Markus Gaal & Team

Markus Gaal
Years / Experience


Call us
+34 623 448 444

For a life in motion

Study Physiotherapie. 6 semester FH Campus Wien
Bachelor of Science in Health: Bachelorstudium inkl. Berufsqualifikation
Metodo Natalia LC Academy –  Terapeuta de Corps Magique – ES
Metodo Natalia LC Academy – Push up Magique – ES 
Diplom  Masaje Corporal y Quiromasaje – ES
Atlaskorrektur, Fröhli Therapeutics / AtlasC1-Technology Methode

Independent therapist and professional experience since 2009

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I am proud to be able to spend a little miracle for people every day. There is nothing better than receiving a call from a patient, feeling their smile through their voice and hearing the words… “thank you, I’m finally feeling better”.

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